Posts filed under: Videos

Greenpeace Romania asks for Irina’s help

Through the "Blestem de bine" (rough translation: "we are good with curses") campaign, Greenpeace Romania aims to put pressure on the Ministry of Water and Forests... Read More

The queen of white magic – Irina Primavera

Irina Primavera is a Romanian gypsy witch renowned for her skill in white magic. She has been casting spells for people since she was a teenager and has been active for more than 24 years... Read More

Al Jazeera interview with Irina Primavera

Al Jazeera interviews Irina Primavera, the region's most powerful gypsy witch, about her fight to protect Romania's forests... Read More

Interview on Romanian TV

Irina Primavera is the only witch in Romania who has appeared on both Romanian and international TV stations.... Read More